The value of a talented UX designer continues to rise as new companies and industries recognize the importance of quality user experience. As a result, we are seeing a surge in design-related job openings. Companies are scrambling to find user-focused talent in order to become more customer-friendly, and they are creating new positions every month. 

This means that your chances of finding an engaging, rewarding job that pays well and offers the benefits you need are better than ever. If you’ve been considering making a transition or finding the perfect role, 2022 is a great time to do so. Here’s how to get started.

Decide What You Want

Do a self-inventory before you start looking for a new job. Potential employees have a lot of bargaining power currently, but it’s important to know what’s most important to you in a company. Is it culture? The mission? Room for growth? You should consider all of these factors before going on an interview. Decide what’s non-negotiable and what’s flexible. Come up with some critical questions to ask your recruiter so that you can honestly assess each job opportunity. Recruiters can provide valuable insights about employers that may be less accessible on online job postings. 

Be Upfront

Interviewing takes time for both you and the company looking to fill a role. Save everyone’s time by concentrating on the top 2 or 3 jobs that appear to be the best match for your values, interests, and experience. Be open and honest with each organization about where you are in the process. Allow your recruiter the opportunity to try to meet your needs. If you decide that a particular job opportunity is not going to work out, let the recruiter and the employer know upfront. This is always appreciated by both recruiters and employers. 

Be Courteous

You need to work well with others to succeed as a UX designer. The interview process is no different. Be courteous to your interviewers by being honest and respectful of their time. Follow up promptly to all requests from your recruiter, and be sure to send a follow-up thank-you note after an interview. Remember that good UX starts with empathy and requires collaboration.

It’s easy to become distracted, especially when the opportunities for UX job seekers are so plentiful. So remember to focus and be intentional. 2022 is an excellent time to change jobs, but you need to maintain your integrity and politeness throughout the process. In this job-hunting bonanza, you’re going to meet a lot of people—make sure they remember you positively when the market returns to normal.